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Fade Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverBackScheme » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Tada Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowTada » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Scale Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowScale » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Show Left Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowLeft » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Show Right Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowRight » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Show Top Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowTop » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Simple Color Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_backcolor= » » ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]

Show Bottom Style

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in marks grove A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

[kswr_socialshare ss_size= »18″ ss_backsize= »42″ ss_margins= »10″ ss_borderradius= »500″ ss_style= »hoverShowBottom » ss_backcolor= »#f7f7f7″ ss_iconcolor= »#777777″ ss_iconhovercolor= »#ffffff » ss_link= »# » ss_align= »center » ss_size_def= »0″ ss_backsize_def= »0″ ss_margins_def= »0″ ss_borderradius_def= »0″ ss_style_def= »0″ ss_backcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconcolor_def= »0″ ss_iconhovercolor_def= »0″ ss_socialarray= »facebook,twitter,google,pinterest » ss_align_def= »0″]